Member Spotlight - Michelle

DFW Young & Social is filled with unique and wonderful individuals, and it wouldn't be the same without you! Our Member Spotlight gives us the chance to say thank you for being a part of the community, and to highlight our wonderful members.

Meet Michelle our outstanding member of the month for August 2024.


Software Engineer │ BecauseCrochet Founder

BecauseCrochet Etsy

Member since September 2023

Long day, long week…what’s your go-to comfort food? 

I genuinely can't choose just one... it depends what kind of day I'm having and what season it is. After a long summer day, probably coffee flavored gelato. After a rough winter week, pad thai is always amazing. On a chilly fall day, homemade pumpkin cake literally takes the cake.

When words fail, music speaks…or so they say. Any songs been tickling your eardrums lately? 

The entirety of Ben Platt's new album "Honeymind". I got to see him live recently and it was life changing. Other than that, Quinn XCII is my Spotify top artist every year; I've been listening to a mix of his classics and his new EP "Breakfast" on repeat lately. Just a few more: COIN's "Strawberry Jam", Ashe's "Running Out Of Time", Wallows' "A Warning", Still Woozy's "Shotput", and I could keep going but I won't.

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that might surprise people? 

I have so many fun facts, but my favorite is actually quite the story... I broke my tailbone when I was in middle school and am still dealing with the repercussions. Short version: I was roller skating, a young kid went the wrong way, and I sacrificed myself instead of squishing her. I don't regret it, but I also can't sit normally ever again.

Next place on your travel bucket list? Why? 

EUROPE! Italy first, I want to see the countryside and eat too much food, followed by Paris, London, island hopping in Greece, and whatever other adventures I get myself into. I've always wanted to go but between school, work, and life I haven't had the time.

What’s your perfect day off of work?

A healthy amount of sleep and quality time with my family and friends (and dogs) are all I need to have an amazing day. Really good food, especially if sweets and coffee are involved, and a good craft project, probably crochet related, are always the cherry on top.

What is the last concert you attended?

I got Ben Platt tickets as a birthday gift from a friend and then decided to treat myself by splurging on VIP Meet & Greet tickets, too. I didn't cry, but multiple people did have to remind me to breathe.

Favorite DFW Young & Social event so far?

I love the dance socials; I think my favorite was the disco mixer last fall or tropical night this past spring! Dressing up and dancing are always an amazing combination. I also love the crafting classes, especially the crochet class but I'm a bit biased. Thank you, Marco and Alexi, for giving me the opportunity to teach my crochet workshop (and for having me back every month to do so)!

Do you have any passion projects or side gigs? 

Did I already say crochet? I started crocheting just over a year ago, and now it's just part of my personality. In addition to personal projects and my workshop, I have a little Etsy shop and sell at markets sometimes.

Marco Panama

Photographer, video editor, marketing, spreadsheet master, and your general jack of all trades. Marco has a passion for bringing people together and creating meaningful experiences.


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