Embracing Life with Anxiety and Hope

Howdy Everyone, every couple of months I like to take the time to write a piece that is very personal to me, highlighting the importance of being vulnerable. I hope to inspire others to do so as well, embrace their own chaos and find hope in the journey.

There are days when life feels like a never-ending juggling act. I know many of you see me as one of the primary drivers of DFW Young & Social, always trucking along, cracking jokes and being welcoming at every event, but behind that, there's a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities. Balancing a full-time salary job and running DFW Young & Social, regardless of how I talk about it, is no easy task. I navigate the demands of my professional role that are vastly different from the challenges I face at the club. As invigorating as it can be, it can also be overwhelming. There are moments when I find myself caught in decision paralysis, unsure of which task to tackle first and anxious about what the future holds. It’s a lot, and sometimes, it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day.

Living With Anxiety

Growing up I have always struggled with the new, terrified to take that next step, thinking “if I don’t try, then I can’t fail right?” Many of you who know me might see that version of myself as farfetched, especially with the sheer amount of risk and actions I take now; but that’s only because of years of work I continue to this day. All that being said, I’m not perfect at it, there times the anxiety creeps in, whispering doubts and fears. Am I doing enough at work? Is the social club meeting the needs of our community? Am I being a good enough parent to my son? Should I be doing more? Am I Happy? These questions linger in my mind, often at the most inconvenient times, like when I'm trying to sleep or when I'm stuck in traffic, staring at a long line of taillights on i35. For me, Anxiety is a strange companion always lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce when I least expect it. It can lead to sleepless nights, racing thoughts, and moments of self-doubt. But I've learned that my anxiety doesn't define me; it's just one part of the intricate puzzle of who I am.

Managing anxiety while juggling multiple responsibilities requires constant self-awareness and a willingness to adapt. Some days, I find solace in the structured environment of my full-time job, where I can channel my energy into concrete tasks and measurable goals. Other days, the creative chaos of DFW Young & Social offers an escape, a chance to connect with others and be part of something larger than myself. I don’t say it often enough, but this club is a source of joy and fulfillment that I truly cherish. But it's also a reminder of the many hats I wear and the fine line I walk between success and burnout. Being a part-time parent adds another layer of complexity to my life. My son visits for extended periods, and those times are both precious and challenging. I strive to be present for him, to create memories and be a positive influence, but there's always a lingering sense of inadequacy. Am I doing enough to support his growth and development? Am I being the role model he needs? These questions haunt me, but I've come to accept that feeling inadequate is a natural part of parenting. It's a journey with no roadmap, filled with unexpected detours and learning opportunities.

How I Work Through Anxiety and How DFW Young & Social has Helped

In those moments when I feel overwhelmed, I remind myself that life is a series of trade-offs. I may not be able to give 100% to every aspect of my life every day, and that's okay. Some days, work demands my full attention, leaving little room for anything else. Other days, my focus shifts to my son or the social club, and work takes a backseat. It's a balancing act that requires constant recalibration, and sometimes, things fall through the cracks. But that's the nature of life, messy and unpredictable, yet full of possibilities. On the days when I feel like I'm merely surviving, going through the motions and hoping for the best. I try to remember that there are also days when everything clicks, when the pieces of my life fit together seamlessly, and I can see the beauty in the madness. It's those moments that I realize how far I've come and how much I've accomplished, despite the challenges.

One of the greatest lessons I've learned is that it's okay to ask for help. I don't have to navigate this journey alone, and neither do you. Whether it's reaching out to a friend, seeking professional guidance, or leaning on the support of loved ones, there's strength in vulnerability. Admitting that I can't do it all doesn't make me weak; it makes me human. We all face struggles and setbacks, and we all need a little support from time to time. Running DFW Young & Social has taught me the power of community and the impact we can have when we come together. The club is more than just a collection of events; it's a place where people find connection, inspiration, and belonging. It's a reminder that even in our busiest moments, we can create something meaningful and lasting. The joy I see in our members' faces, the friendships that blossom, and the stories shared are all testaments to the positive influence we have on each other.

It's Going to Be Okay, I Promise

I realize that the challenges I face are not unique. Many of us juggle multiple roles, battling anxiety and self-doubt along the way. We strive for balance, knowing it's an elusive goal, but one worth pursuing. The truth is, we don't have to have it all figured out. It's okay to stumble, to feel lost, and to question our path. What's important is that we keep moving forward, even if it's just one step at a time, and even if it feels like we took a step back. By acknowledging our struggles and embracing our imperfections, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and a deeper understanding of ourselves.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, know that you're not alone. We all have moments of doubt and uncertainty, but we also have the strength to overcome them. Surround yourself with supportive people, be kind to yourself, and remember that life is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the highs and lows, the triumphs and setbacks, and cherish the moments of clarity and joy.

Thank you for being a part of my journey and for allowing me to be a part of yours. Let's continue to explore, grow, and dance through life's challenges together.

DFW Young & Social Club for Young Adults Blog post about anxiety and community
Marco Panama

Photographer, video editor, marketing, spreadsheet master, and your general jack of all trades. Marco has a passion for bringing people together and creating meaningful experiences.


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