Member Spotlight - Jaime

DFW Young & Social is filled with unique and wonderful individuals, and it wouldn't be the same without you! Our Member Spotlight gives us the chance to say thank you for being a part of the community, and to highlight our wonderful members.

Meet Jaime our outstanding member of the month for September 2024.


Speech Language Pathologist
Member since April 2024

Long day, long week…what’s your go-to comfort food? 

After a long week I like a warm brownie topped with ice cream (probably butter pecan)… anything warm and sugary makes me happy unfortunately! 

When words fail, music speaks…or so they say. Any songs been tickling your eardrums lately? 

Since my recent trip to Kenya I’ve been listening to a lot of Swahili music. The language just sounds so beautiful and poetic. “Todii” by Oliver Mtukudzi is a new  favorite. 

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that might surprise people? 

I can’t think of much but I’ve seen more episodes of Law and Order than I care to admit .

Next place on your travel bucket list? Why? 

I’m really excited and hopeful that I’ll go to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to attend the Ashenda festival. It originated as an orthodox Christian festival celebrated in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia to celebrate girlhood and womanhood. The women dress in beautiful clothing and jewelry and wear traditional braided hairstyles. Then they sing and dance together for 1-2 weeks. I just love history and exploring different cultures so it’s definitely up my alley. 

What’s your perfect day off of work?

My perfect day off involves service and ministry projects, eating some good food with friends then having time to myself to watch a new (or old) movie. 

What is the last concert you attended?

Janet Jackson in Dallas Texas with my mom on her birthday.. definitely an unforgettable experience. 

Favorite DFW Young & Social event so far?

I enjoy karaoke and am always surprised to see how many people can actually sing.  I also just enjoy being introduced to songs and artists I’ve never heard of before. 

Do you have any passion projects or side gigs? 

I’m looking to take photography and writing a lot more serious. 

Marco Panama

Photographer, video editor, marketing, spreadsheet master, and your general jack of all trades. Marco has a passion for bringing people together and creating meaningful experiences.


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