Member Spotlight: Sharena

Before we continue with our regular framework…

We’re thrilled to shine the spotlight on Sharena, a remarkable member whose dedication and enthusiasm have significantly enriched our community. Sharena’s willingness to volunteer through setup, and consistently drive people towards DFWYAS show her dedication to the group. We are deeply grateful for Sharena’s involvement and the positive impact she continues to make. Thank you, Sharena, for being such an invaluable part of the DFWYAS journey.
— Marco & Alexi

DFW Young & Social is filled with unique and wonderful individuals, and it wouldn't be the same without you! Our Member Spotlight gives us the chance to say thank you for being a part of the community, and to highlight our wonderful members.

Meet Sharena, our outstanding member for March 2024.

Sharena, DFW Young & Social's Member of the Month, radiating joy and enthusiasm in her profile picture.


Project Contract Specialist

Member since Feb 2023

Sharena, showcasing her strength and spirit, during her time in the military, mounted on a majestic horse.

What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

I've been in the Army. 8years

What’s the last book you read?

Almost done reading A Court of Silver Flames. Coming back to reading after not for a very long time. I used to have a voracious appetite for books. 

Are you currently binge-watching any shows? 

As it releases, Hazbin Hotel. A good one I've binged before is Mr Queen. A Korean drama comedy. I promise you, it's really good

Favorite hobby? 

I promise I'm not biased, but dancing. I always wanted to be a ballerina when i was little and even gave it a try...but little girls can be mean and I didn't look like a typical ballerina.

Do you have any passion projects or side gigs?

 I've really started liking leather work and have been working on a knife sheath. Maybe one day I'll be good enough to sell.

Favorite place you’ve traveled?

Still, I promise I'm not biased, but I love it every time I go back to Germany, where I'm from. The architecture, scenery, and nature never fails to stun

Sharena, capturing the beauty of nature, poses with her camera beside an adorable baby horse, highlighting her passion for photography.

Favorite motto or quote? 

My dad always stressed the three Golden Rules:

Do what’s right, Do the best you can, and Treat others the way you want to be treated
— Papa Bufford
Marco Panama

Photographer, video editor, marketing, spreadsheet master, and your general jack of all trades. Marco has a passion for bringing people together and creating meaningful experiences.


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