Member Spotlight - Brian
DFW Young & Social is filled with unique and wonderful individuals, and it wouldn't be the same without you! Our Member Spotlight gives us the chance to say thank you for being a part of the community, and to highlight our wonderful members.
Meet Brian our outstanding member of the month for July 2024.
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Member since January 2023
Long day, long week…what’s your go-to comfort food?
As a foodie and someone who believes in the old adage "Variety is the spice of life", I have a variety of go-to comfort foods. I'll always gravitate towards a good hamburger or pizza. When I am craving something more hearty, a homemade lasagna hits the spot. A nice piece of salmon (baked or filleted) works when I am in the mood for something lighter.
When words fail, music speaks…or so they say. Any songs been tickling your eardrums lately?
I've always had a variety of tastes in music. Anything from my favorite artists tickles my eardrums at any moment, including: Huey Lewis and the News, The Bee Gees, Usher, Hall and Oates, Gloria Esetfan, Imagine Dragons and The Weeknd. I also especially enjoy classical music and movie and TV scores, including anything composed by John Williams.
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that might surprise people?
Recently, I fulfilled a lifelong dream in becoming a a certified lifeguard! As someone who loves to swim, I have developed an appreciation for the importance of water safety. Should I ever be called upon to utilize these skills , I feel good knowing I will be prepared. I am grateful to the staff of the Farmers Branch Aquatics Center for helping me make this happen!
Next place on your travel bucket list? Why?
Many locales within Europe are on my list. If I had to pick one to start, it'd be Italy. I've always had a deep appreciation for the architecture emanating from this country, especially Florence, Venice and Rome. I also have a fondness for the food, art and culture from this corner of the world.
Favorite DFW Young & Social event so far?
In addition to the Salsa classes, I have also really enjoyed the Karaoke Potlucks and the Movie Nights. I commend Alexi and Marco for not only hosting such cool events and classes, but for establishing DFW Young & Social in the first place! In an era where getting out and making friends in the real world is becoming increasingly important, it's nice to have such a place nurturing this here in the DFW area!
Do you have any passion projects or side gigs?
I have recently started playing my violin again. As someone with a deep appreciation for music, I find being able to play this awesome instrument very rewarding! I hope someday to play before a live audience.