Member Spotlight: Allison
DFW Young & Social is filled with unique and wonderful individuals and it wouldn't be the same without you! Our Member Spotlight gives us the chance to say thanks for being a part of the community, and to highlight our wonderful members.
Meet Allison, our outstanding member for December 2023.
Member since Sep 2022
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I got into dancing by clocking a guy that I had a crush on in the face with my elbow. I may have made his lip bleed. I’d asked him to teach me how to dance and when he was teaching me spins, he forgot to tell me what to do with my arms. On the plus side, my nefarious plan worked. We dated for 3 years after that, and I got to keep dancing. I do not recommend this tactic.
What’s the last book you read (if relevant)?
Compromise. I’ll tell you my favorite book that I’ve read all year. 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty. Jay is a former monk so while this book does touch on the subject of romantic love and is even somewhat marketed that way, It’s much more about self-love and loving those around you.
Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
One Piece, the anime. A friend introduced me to the live-action version. When that went well, he encouraged me to watch the original. I now have months worth of binge-ing to do and he’s already decided on the next show.
Favorite DFW YAS event so far?
Definitely the Halloween party! It was super well put together and I always love a chance to dance. Plus it gave me the chance to talk to my dance friends without being a little troublemaker in class. Looking forward to seeing what the Masquerade is like!!!
Favorite hobby?
This is not me being a teacher's pet but... it's definitely dancing. I've taken classes in at least 9 styles this year and a few other intro classes. Do I have a problem? Probably. I’ve had to reduce the number of nights I take classes per week but I still love it and want to do them all. Followed closely by cozy gaming.
Do you have any passion projects or side gigs? (Tell us about it!)
I recently started up a career coaching practice. My career path so far has seen quite a few twists and turns. I started as an HR Assistant and now, 11 years later, without a new degree, I’m a Software Developer. I want to help others looking to make similar transitions. Plus, I love nerding out over things like resumes, career goals, and interview questions.
Who is someone who’s made a big impact on your life? Why?
Ack! Just one!? But there are so many! Most recently, it’s a set of brothers. Matthew and Stephen Hussey. Over the years I have learned so many lessons from them about love and more importantly about life and myself. My favorite recent lessons from them are that my fear is a tool that I can use to guide myself toward growth and that gratitude I could take my gratitude practice to a whole new level by learning to be grateful for difficult things.
Favorite place you’ve traveled?
Munich Germany, hands down. The minute I got off the train I was in love with the place. I mean what’s not to love? Old and new architecture mingle together as you walk down the streets, a castle with gardens open to the public to go on a stroll, the beautiful nature found in the Englisher Gardens, including a cold stream to rest my tired feet in, and all of the interesting people you meet by sitting down at a beer garden. Plus they have real public transportation.
Favorite motto or quote?
“If you can get 1 percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.” - James Clear, Atomic Habits