Member Spotlight: Alex
DFW Young & Social is filled with unique and wonderful individuals and it wouldn't be the same without you! Our Member Spotlight gives us the chance to say thanks for being a part of the community, and to highlight our wonderful members.
Meet Alex, our outstanding member for January 2024.
UI/UX Designer
Member since Nov 2022
What’s something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?
I can’t ride a bicycle. I learned, I was just so terrible at it that eventually I wearied of skinned knees and bruises and accepted that bikes were not for me. I chose to ride horses instead, because, although occasionally malevolent, they have four legs and can at least be trusted to stand up on their own.
What’s the last book you read (if relevant)?
“The Ballad of Black Tom” by Victor LaValle. It’s a retelling of H. P. Lovecraft’s “The Horror at Red Hook,” but reframed in a way that challenges Lovecraft’s infamously racist and xenophobic themes. I’m in a great book club that always fosters passionate, thought-provoking discussions, and our conversation about “Black Tom” was no exception.
Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
“The Sopranos.” I realize I'm 20 years late to the party, but shh, no spoilers, I’m only on season 4.
Favorite DFW YAS event so far?
All of the dance classes and dance socials! With no prior dance experience, I took one of Alexi’s classes on a whim — a Scottish folk dancing workshop, which was a blast — and now I’m hooked. It’s rewarding, challenging, and a fun way to hang out with people.
Favorite hobby?
Arts and crafts! Painting, sewing, jewelry making, the occasional taxidermy… There's just nothing as fulfilling as making something with one's own hands. I wish I had the time and resources to master (or at least dabble in) so many different types of crafts. Woodworking, smithing, and glassblowing are a few I’d love to try.
Do you have any passion projects or side gigs? (Tell us about it!)
I’ve always aspired to be a novelist. As a kid, I spent all my free time writing my stories, drawing my characters, and developing maps and histories and languages for my fantasy worlds. Full-time writing is no longer my dream career, but I still write when inspiration strikes and still hope to publish a novel or two someday — if I ever manage to finish one…
Who is someone who’s made a big impact on your life? Why?
My mom. She’s truly my hero — not only a top-tier parent but also one of my best friends.
Favorite place you’ve traveled?
The British Isles. I got to spend a couple weeks touring the UK and Ireland as a teenager and was enthralled. We drove around the gorgeous Ring of Kerry, kissed the Blarney Stone, explored Caernarfon Castle, ate haggis, and took a ghost tour in the Edinburgh Vaults. Someday I hope to revisit Dublin and Edinburgh and to explore parts of the Isles I didn’t get to see before, such as the north of Scotland and the Orkneys.
Favorite motto or quote?
“All art is quite useless.” - Oscar Wilde