Championing Community and Ethical Pricing in Social Clubs

I don’t talk about pricing and/or business strategy often with members. Not because I’m trying to keep anything secret, but I like to keep our event and spaces as a fun stress-free environment. However, I think it’s important to continue to be transparent with everyone on how and why we do things. I would like to take a moment to talk about my views on how we decide the prices of our offerings.

As one of the managing partner of DFW Young & Social, I've always believed that our responsibility goes beyond just offering a space for social gatherings and events. My wife Alexi, who is the original founder, and I are deeply committed to maintaining an accessible and welcoming environment for everyone. This commitment is reflected in our approach to pricing and our overall business strategy, which is guided by our values of fairness and community support.

Commitment to Accessibility

From the outset, Alexi and I agreed that keeping our club accessible to as many people as possible was a priority. We understand that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy social interaction and personal growth, regardless of their financial situation. This is why we've structured our pricing to shield our members from the financial pressures of market realities that often accompany participation in community activities. By focusing on fair ethical pricing, we ensure that our events and services are affordable, making sure that no one is excluded because of cost. Highlighting some examples of this are:

  • Dance classes that are as low as $7

  • Free crafting classes for those with their own materials

  • Reduction in crafting class prices through importing, bulk pricing and long term planning

  • Increased frequency of zero cost events

  • And much more.

You may be wondering how we are able to keep costs so low. Or how we were able to expand to our own location and invest into bigger projects. To be transparent, it isn’t easy and for a normal business this would not be sustainable. Luckily, we aren’t a normal business and I’ll explain how we’ve achieved this.

The Power of Community Support

Much of the work needed to run our club is done by ourselves, our family, and our friends. I handle a significant amount of labor and backend logistics, which helps us keep operational costs low. My father-in-law assist with various space modifications and large prop creation, and our friends generously donate their time for larger projects (thank you Rusty, Rachel, Allison, and Esther for helping us install 2300 sq ft of wood flooring in 3 days). Things that normally cost a large amount financial capital, we are able to do it at around 25% of the cost. Which not only allows us to do more, but to pass on the savings directly to our members, keeping event prices low and accessible.

Operating with a Non-Profit Ethos

Although DFW Young & Social legally operates as a for-profit business, we function with the ethos of a non-profit organization. This strategic choice allows us the flexibility to make decisions that best serve the community without the constraints of non-profit status, which involves extensive paperwork and resource allocation that we believe doesn't directly benefit our members. Our model is based on the belief that financial viability and ethical business practices can coexist, allowing us to focus on what truly matters—building and sustaining an inclusive community.

Since we function as a non-profit, Alexi and I do not rely on the club to meet our personal financial needs. My salary helps to subsidize our family's needs, allowing us to reinvest all the club's earnings back into improving and expanding our offerings. This approach ensures that our personal financial goals do not influence the club's pricing strategies.

Why We Prioritize Community and Ethical Pricing

Alexi and I believe deeply that prioritizing community and ethical pricing over maximizing profits is the right thing to do. Making friends, building meaningful connections, and finding a safe space where one can truly be oneself should not be luxuries. We were given the opportunity to enhance the lives of those around us, be they strangers or friends, and we firmly believe that life's value is not about money, but about the positive impact you can make on those around you.

Thanks to the continuous support from our family, friends, and each one of you, we can make strategic choices that benefit our members and reinforce the foundation of trust and support that our club is built upon. As we move forward, we remain committed to these principles, ensuring that DFW Young & Social continues to be a place where everyone can come together, connect, and socialize in an affordable and welcoming environment.

A vibrant collage showcasing DFW Young & Social members enjoying various events, from dance classes to crafting sessions, illustrating the club's diverse community activities.
Marco Panama

Photographer, video editor, marketing, spreadsheet master, and your general jack of all trades. Marco has a passion for bringing people together and creating meaningful experiences.


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